Kauderwelsch-Bremen: Childcare Group Kauderwelsch in Bremen
Reggio Pedagogy
Inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, our work is deeply rooted in the ideas and principles of co-founder Loris Malaguzzi. This approach was recognized in 1991 by UNESCO as one of the “world’s best early childhood education methods.”
Children are viewed as researchers and explorers, constructing their own understanding of the world. They are supported by a community of children and adults. The “environment” also plays a vital role as the so-called “third teacher.”
For a deeper understanding of this concept, the following resources provide a good introduction:
Bilingualism – German and English Language Development
Early childhood is an ideal time for children to learn additional languages naturally and joyfully. Younger children are particularly open to acquiring new languages as they are already immersed in the process of language development. They readily adopt new sounds, words, and sentences, integrating them into their vocabulary.
We apply the immersion principle in our childcare group. This means children are placed in an English-speaking environment where they acquire the new language naturally. In practice, one educator speaks German with the children throughout the day, while another interacts with them entirely in English. This approach allows children to pick up the new language as effortlessly as their first, deriving meaning from everyday actions and interactions.
It is not a prerequisite for English to be spoken at home for children to join our childcare group.
Both children and parents are actively involved in decision-making within our center.
For children, self-directed participation is a key factor in their development into autonomous and socially responsible individuals. Even the youngest children are capable of making decisions about issues that directly affect them. It is crucial to empathetically and openly interpret their signals and communication—their “hundred languages.”
Through age-appropriate methods of co-determination, we encourage children to express their views and contribute meaningfully. Parents are also integral to the participatory process, as the structure of our parent association promotes holistic involvement.
For more information, visit these pages: